The Felmersham & Radwell Parish Plan - 2006

The Next Stage
The Action Plan
This page will be regularly updated as the action groups report on progress

Approximately forty parishioners attended a Parish Plan meeting on the 27 September 2006. Peter Hartop, Chairman of the Parish Council and Parish Plan committee, explained that a total of 37 issues had been identified from the responses to the Parish Plan questionnaire.

In order to address these issues seven action groups have been set up and each group will be addressing the issues within their grouping. Each action group has been assigned a member of the Parish Council who will act as a conduit between the Parish Council and the group.
The seven groupings together with the names of the action group members are shown below.
(* = Parish Council Representative)

Peter Rankin (leader), Clive Just, Bill Pearce, Ken Shrimpton, Maggie Spoor*

1. Lack of understanding of the powers and responsibilities of Parish Council

2. Perception of poor communication from Parish Council

3. Need to improve communication within the Parish

4. Need to produce list of activities and clubs available in Parish, where & when they meet and how to join.

5. Need to re-introduce “welcome pack” for new arrivals

Lorraine Shrimpton (leader), Pat Hartop, May Mills, Kath Morrissey, Pat Keeble,
Wendy Williamson,
Margery Pipe*, Rev David Mason (observer)

1. Dissatisfaction with some medical services

2. Dissatisfaction with recycling services

3. Dissatisfaction with street lighting

4. Poor litter bin provision

5. Dog fouling

6. Dissatisfaction with roadside care/street cleaning and snow clearing/gritting

7. Perception that police coverage in the Parish is poor

8. Neighbourhood watch required

9. Need for a shop of some description in the Parish

10. Need to support St Mary’s Church in alternative uses and support maintaining the fabric of the building

Ian Coomber, Ben Just

1. Lack of employment opportunity in the Parish

2. Consider encouraging tourism

3. Encourage small business development

4. Oppose small scale industrial workshops

Parish Council: Peter Hartop,
Michael Thomas, Margery Pipe, Maggie Spoor, Chris Poulter,
Geoff Hulatt

1. Creation of a Parish Design Statement

2. Ensure new housing development meets parishioner’s wishes

3. Preservation of landscape features within the villages

Janet Barbour, Maxine Boswell, David Cook, Patrick Doyle, Margaret Jones, Pat Keeble, William Robinson, Carol Stork, Paula Turvey, Michael Thomas*

1. Desire to see new accessible wildlife habitats established

2. General appearance of the villages and their approaches

3. Preservation of the gravel pits/nature reserves

4. Preservation of Parish hedgerows

Janet Barbour, Maxine Boswell, David Cook, Patrick Doyle, Margaret Jones, Pat Keeble, William Robinson, Carol Stork, Paula Turvey, Michael Thomas*

1. Need to improve recreational facilities for young people

2. Need for a recreation field in Parish

3. Village Hall

4. Desire to see new countryside footpaths established

5. Accessibility and information about clubs and activities (Liaise with Communication)

Paul Keeble, Derek Williamson, Peter Hartop

1. Traffic problems

2. Need for parking facilities in the Parish

3. Some people in Parish need help with transport

4. Commercial bus service

5. Villager Community Minibus


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Page Last updated: 04 July 2007