Ouse News on line
      The Parish Magazine on line March 2005
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Ouse News is published by Felmersham Parochial Church Council and Sponsored by
Chesham Insurance Brokers

Annual Spring Litter Pick
The annual litter pick will take place on

Saturday 19 March 10.30 am meet at Felmersham bus shelter.

Sunday 20 March 2.30 pm meet at Radwell bus shelter.

Everybody is welcome to come along and help keep our parish clear of litter. Tools etc are provided.  

Easter Good News - David G Mason
The snow is falling as I write this. Fortunately (unless you particularly enjoy being outside in the snow|) it is not settling, and hopefully it will not last. The spring flowers are beginning to appear, and the nights are shortening. In spite of the snow spring will soon be here, and we will be able to put winter behind us.
This year Easter is early, and the spring flowers should be in full bloom at that great festival. The gloom of winter driven away by the joy and wonder of spring. Winter is often a depressing time of the year, and this winter seems to have been more depressing than usual, with the disaster of the Tsunami occurring just after Christmas, bringing great loss of life and damage to property in such a beautiful part of the world. There have also been sadness nearer home. But we see signs of new hope in that beleaguered part of the world with the great responses of so many to appeals for help and finance, and with the evidence of clearing up and repair to restore life and hope in the affected communities.
To the disciples the events of Good Friday must have made them feel that all their hopes for the future had been dashed. The wonderful good news that they had heard, the promises for the future all seemed to have come to nothing with the death of Jesus on the cross. But on Easter Day Jesus rose again from the dead, the defeat was changed into victory, and the great movement to spread the good news over all the world began. That was some two thousand years ago, still the great work of bringing the good news to all people continues. In the gloom of winter and personal sadness we know through the gospel message and the resurrection of Jesus that there is indeed hope for the future, and the promise of eternal life for those who accept and follow our Lord. We also know that we are heirs of the disciples, commissioned to continue the work of bringing God’s kingdom to this earth. I wish you all a Happy and Blessed Easter.

Electoral Role Revision.
It is now time to revise the Electoral Role. Please check with Gill Greenish that you are included upon it as a member of the Church in this Parish.

Bell Ringing - Colin Payne
The Bedford District are having a Quarter Peal week from Sunday March 6th to Sunday March 13th. We hope to ring one at Felmersham during one of the weekends.

Pre-School Quiz Competition - Mark Whiteway
The winners of the Rivers Quiz are Derek and Lorraine of Felmersham, who got the lot. Second prize goes to Sue and Neil Wright in Pavenham. Congratulations to the winners, who will be receiving book tokens, and thank you to everyone who solved or sold the quiz. We raised over £75 for the pre-school appeal. if you can bear to look you'll find all the answers at www.felmersham.net/preschool.htm

Christingle and Crib Service - Gillian Whiteway
Many thanks to all who contributed to the memorable Christingle and Crib Service on Christmas Eve. The atmosphere was wonderful and the children's efforts raised over £200 for the Children's Society.

Coffee Morning - Jane Wells
The Church Coffee Morning for March, in aid of the Church Organ fund, will be held at the home Alan and Margaret Leach, on Saturday 5 March at 10.30am.
Next month’s will be hosted by Ian and Margaret Coomber on Saturday 2nd April at 10.30am. Home-made cakes, toiletries, produce and bric-a-brac for the bring and buy stall will be greatly appreciated. All welcome.

Appointment of new Priest-in-Charge - Paul Keeble & Sally Carr
The Reverend Robert Evens has been appointed to the new post of Priest-in–Charge for the new merged Benefice of Sharnbrook, Felmersham and Knotting with Souldrop.
He is presently Priest - in - Charge at Wymington and Poddington and is expected to take up the new post in May and will live at the vicarage in Sharnbrook. The Reverend David Mason will be working with Reverend Robert Evens and will have special responsibility for the parish of Felmersham.

Tsunami Appeal - Pat Keeble
We raised £446.27 at the Coffee Morning on 12th February and a big thank you to everyone who supported the event and to those people who ran the stalls. The Guess the Bear (Minty) was won by Jenny Whiteway. The Goodwill Guessing Game was won by Godric Bader and runner up was Wendy Crossley.

Jumble Sale - Janet Cook
The Village Hall Committee will hold a Jumble Sale in aid of hall refurbishments on Saturday 9 April at 2.00pm. Donations of clean saleable jumble will be much appreciated, so start that Spring Clean now! Bring your unwanted items to Harrowdene Paddock any time from now on, or phone me on 781373 to arrange delivery to the hall. Remember, one man's junk is another man's treasure!

W.I. - May Mills
It has been said that the scientific mind does not so much provide the right answers as ask the right questions. During this "light hearted look at science in the service of medicine" however it became clear that Paul Davis and his research team had accomplished both in their discovery of a new wound treatment for wounds that refuse to heal. Paul described it as a new platform for wound treatment care, or, intensive care for wounds. It consists of sheets of enzyme gel that enables oxygen to reach the wound whilst retaining moisture. Following successful clinical trials in Toronto and Cardiff they hope to market their product, known as a Oxyzyme, in North America initially. Paul also gave us a taster into their latest fascinating enterprise - exploiting bees’ capacity to smell. They train the bees under Pavlovian conditions to detect specific smells such as explosives. A successful trial has brought excitement at the enormous potential of the project, an excitement conveyed by our speaker in a gracious and comprehensive manner. Bronowski wrote that science has succeeded where magic failed, but Paul undoubtedly cast a spell over us!

Thank You - Félise Kingerlee
This is a long overdue ‘Thank You’ to my friends who have given me so much support during my hospital visits and since my return home when I have received so many flowers, chocolates, get well cards and super home-made meals. Community Care are still taking me for my hospital appointments I am truly fortunate to have such caring friends; bless you all.
I heartily concur with Maggie Spoor and also express my personal appreciation of the dedication and hard work which Michael Thomas has given as Chairman of Community Care, he will be a hard act to follow.

Thursday Afternoon Club - Jo Morris
Twenty one people, the most yet, attended the February meeting. The guest speaker was Geoff Hulatt who shared with us some fascinating memories of his life in Felmersham - he was born at the "Old Ringers" during the war. He remembers tobogganing down Hunts Lane, nearly drowning by the bridge and fishing in the pond where Marriotts Close is now. He brought some very interesting old photographs and paintings of the village in the Fifties and exchanged memories with members of the audience. Everyone, old timers and new comers alike, thoroughly enjoyed his reminiscences. The next meeting is on Thursday March 10th and anyone requiring transport should ring Joan Thomas on 781082. Any queries to Celia Hulatt (781082) or Jo Morris (781430)

Goalposts - free to a good home! - Christine Callaghan
May be in need of slight attention and must be pegged to the ground to ensure safety. If interested please contact me on 781173.

The Mill Theatre, Sharnbrook - Theo. Gibbs
8–12 March THE DRESSER Ronald Harwood’s classic wartime comedy drama. Book now! Sharnbrook P.O. or Bedford Central Box Office 269519.
13–21 May SPEND, SPEND, SPEND! NB Advance booking during The Dresser. 4 June NELSON MANDELA AND WINNIE – A LOVE STORY An original 3 act play, performed and written by Dr Michael Prior as Mandela. Tickets £8 from Bedford Central Box Office from mid-March.
1–6 August YOUTH (9-18?) THEATRE SUMMER SCHOOL. Act now! 6-day course, professional tuition, concluding Saturday performance. Details: 781210.

BABUS - Stephen Sleight
Bus users in the Bedford area can now have a say in how their services are operated following the formation of the Bedford Area Bus Users’ Society (BABUS) - the newest bus user group in the country.
The first meeting of BABUS in October 2004 was a resounding success with 11 people volunteering for the committee – however there are still spaces for more!
Not only have there been extensive changes to local bus services over the last year, but also there are a number of imminent improvements to bus information, courtesy of Bedfordshire County Council.
The Society has three main aims:
§ to represent the interests of bus users in the Bedford area,
§ to encourage people to use buses,
§ be a focal point for bus users, bus companies and the local councils.
For more details contact Stephen Sleight on 838771 ext 115 or email stephens@ bedsrcc.org.uk
Yoga for Health Foundation Bill and Gill Feeney
The Yoga for Health Foundation at Ickwell Bury for over 25 years offers regular Yoga classes for all abilities. Classes are scheduled during the day and evening covering general yoga and remedial yoga for those with chronic illness or physical difficulty. All sessions last for 90 minutes, classes cost £5.00 and there is an annual membership fee of £12.50. Our current schedule of sessions is below, for further information please call 01767 627271.
Day 10:30am 7:00pm 8:00pm
Monday Remedial General General
Tuesday General General General
Wednesday Remedial General General
Thursday General General No session

The Ruth Rankin Memorial Competitions - Peter Rankin
After last month’s entry in the Ouse News, a handful of people have volunteered to help with this event. We feel, on reflection, that we can now make a commitment to host the competition again this year. We do, however, need MORE VOLUNTEERS, (not to clean the cooker but to help with the event).
The relevant details are as follows:
   Seeds to be collected from “Adina” (Grange Road) from Monday, 21 March
   The cost of the entry will be £2 per head.
   The Sunflower Tea will take place at Adina on Sunday, 24 July at 3pm.
   Entries for the scarecrow competition will be made on the day of the Sunflower Tea: cost £2/head
Candace keeps saying that she needs more men – I cannot cope on my own. I assume she means for the competition!

Bedfordshire Railway & Transport Association - Richard Pill
The BRTA Sponsored Cycle ride is Saturday 18th June starting at 10am cycling from Priory Marina Entrance (off Barkers Lane, Bedford) to Sandy rail station and back along the old cycle paths situated partly on the old trackbed. If interested in helping to raise funds for BRTA contact me on 405268 or print a form out via our events and diary page - follow the link on our website www.brta.org.uk.

Plant Sale - Mavis Harper
The annual Plant Sale will be held on Saturday 16 April from noon - 4 p.m. in Pertenhall Village Hall. Many different plants for sale including Clematis, Unusual Perennials, Shrubs, Auriculas, Alpines and Grasses etc. Professional Stalls from well-known Nurseries. Refreshments available, ample parking. Entrance £1.50 in aid of Pertenhall Village Hall
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Ouse News will print items of interest to the community not just reports of past village activities or reminders of forthcoming ones.
Feedback on any of the items published would be most welcome – whether for printing or not.
Items for next month's Ouse News should be sent to the editor: Clive Just, 2 The Old Rectory by the 25th of the month. It would help if items were emailed to
OuseNews@bigfoot.com; sent on disk; or typed. Phone 781967 for more details.

Online version of Ouse News additionally edited by the webmaster.
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