Ouse News on line
      The Parish Magazine on line  November 2004
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Ouse News is published by Felmersham Parochial Church Council and Sponsored by
Chesham Insurance Brokers

Christmas Present Idea - Ken Shrimpton
By now many of you will have bought a copy of "Felmersham - The History of a Riverside Parish" for your own bookshelves, but have you considered giving copies as Christmas presents to friends or members of your family? Children can gain pleasure from dipping into a book about their home village, especially those who have left home. It will be a lifetime reminder of their early life in Felmersham or Radwell. If you haven't yet bought a copy for yourself then Christmas is a good time to treat yourself and buy a copy. Copies at £12.95 each are available from:
Sally Carr Books, Milton Ernest Garden Centre, Milton Earnest, Bedford
County Town Books, 7 High Street, Bedford; Sharnbrook Post Office

A Time for Remembering - Rev David G Mason
This year marks the sixtieth anniversary of D-Day and much has been' written about the events of that time. It has brought a whole host of memories to those of us who were alive then, even those of us who were very young. I remember seeing the planes towing gliders overhead, it was the vast number of them that was especially impressive, the sky seemed like a wide and very busy highway for aircraft, a prolonged rush hour with the traffic only flowing in one direction. With the passage of time we have become more aware of the bravery of those who took part, and the great cost in pain, suffering and loss of life. In our communities there was a determination and a sense of unity about the conflict and the reasons for it. We all hoped that this would be the war to end all wars, and that the nations would work together to prevent such wars in the future. The founding of the United Nations seemed to be the way forward for the future.
But that was a very long time ago. Wars have continued, there has been a terrifying development of military hardware and techniques. We are now embroiled in a war which has allegedly been won, but which still brings death and destruction to both sides. It cannot be said that there has been a sense of unity within the nation about the conflict. It seems that we have learned nothing about the management of conflict, and the need to make going to war the very last resort. The terrorism that has grown in effect and capability has shown that the possession of vastly superior military strength does not guarantee peace and security. The great development in communication technique and transport capability has made the world a much smaller place with much greater difficulty in isolating nations and communities from conflict and its effects.
It is more important than ever that we remember past conflicts, not only the importance of the victories that were won, but also the cost in pain, suffering and loss of life. As we celebrate the victories let us all renew a determination to work for peace, and recognize that war must always be a last resort, and marks a failure of conflict management. Those who have so much have to recognize that great inequalities in wealth and resources feed frustration and feelings of helplessness and resentment that can build up to a reaction against those who fail to support and share their good fortune. Love of neighbour is important to maintain fairness and health of nations and communities and is the basis on which peace can be built.

Church Matters - Rev David Mason
The Bishop of Bedford, The Rt Revd Richard Inwood, will be preaching and presiding at the Eucharist on Sunday 5th December 2004 at 10:15 am and I hope as many parishioners, as possible, will be able to attend the service. There will be an opportunity to chat informally to the Bishop after the service.
There will be a candidate from our Parish at the Confirmation Service to be held at Poddington on Wednesday 1 December at 7.30pm. I hope that members of the Parish will be there to support the candidates.

Save the Children Fund - Jacky Phipps Many thanks to all who supported the weekend sale at East Grange so generously. Remember that you can order goods from the catalogue at any time between now and the middle of November and save postage. Just let me have your order form, a cheque and your phone number and I will contact you as soon as the goods arrive. I shall have a stock of cards and wrapping paper right up until Christmas so you can phone me on 781789 for emergency supplies!

Jazz, Juice and Jeeze - Janet Cook
On Saturday 4 December, 7.30 until midnight at the Village Hall. The Wodehill Onesteppers provide the jazz, the Village Hall Committee provide the cheese and wine - all you have to do is come and enjoy a relaxing pre-Christmas social event which will also (we hope) raise funds towards the provision of facilities for the disabled and refurbishment of the Committee Room. Look out for more details on posters and flyers.

Coffee Morning for RNIB - Lorraine Shrimpton
A coffee morning will be held at the home of Lorraine and Ken on Thursday 25th November at 10.30 am to raise funds for the RNIB (Royal National Institute for the Blind). There will be a cake stall (cakes and home-made mince pies to purchase), second-hand books, RNIB Christmas cards plus a raffle. The sum of £1 will provide you with coffee or tea, biscuits and a mince pie, plus the chance to have a good natter with your friends. What a wonderful opportunity to take a break from your Christmas shopping and planning, and just "chill out" over a cup of coffee whilst catching up with all the news! Everyone is welcome - please give me your support. I look forward to seeing you on the 25th November.

Coffee Morning - Jane Wells
The Coffee Morning for November, in aid of the Church Heating Fund, will be held at the home of Michael and Joan Thomas on Saturday 6th November 2004 at 10.30am.
The December Coffee Morning will be on Saturday 4th December at the home of Jeff and Karen Stokley.
Home made cakes, toiletries, produce and bric-a-brac for the bring and buy stall will be greatly appreciated. All are welcome to both events.

W.I. - May Mills
The budding artists among us were eager with anticipation as Jane Rhodes put up her easel and laid out her pastels - here was the artist and teacher to demonstrate just how it is done! In common with all talented people she made it look easy, while explaining that one must put in the effort to be a success! A success she certainly is. Having had a long- break from painting since `A' level Art during which time she brought up her family, she began painting again in 1991, only to find that she was totally hooked and needed to paint every day. She uses all media but prefers the immediacy and versatility of pastels. She had chosen a mood-filled and evocative seascape for her demonstration, and, as the picture unfolded in front of us she talked about pastels, colour, composition, technique and much more. In under an hour we had a most delightful picture wanting the merest of finishing touches prior to a mount and frame! Judging by the response to a request for a workshop them are a few more budding artists eager to have a go.

Over 60's Afternoon Club - Celia Hulatt and Jo Morris
The first meeting of the over 60's club was held on Thursday October 14th and much to the organisers delight 17 people turned up: 13 ladies and 4 men. Transport was provided for those who wanted it.
The idea of this first meeting was that we should discuss what form future meetings would take. Should it be: 'Tea and chat'? Games? Speakers? The general opinion was that a combination of all three was wanted.
Tea followed a raffle. Prizes were won by Truus Boyce, Audrey Middlemas, Ken Booker and Margery Evers.
As a way of introducing ourselves those who wished gave a brief talk about themselves and we had an ex land-girl, an ex Bevan-boy, an ex postmistress, 2 Brown Owls and many who had lived in the village for up to 50 years as well as some newcomers. Our next meeting is on Thursday December 9th and we would welcome more members, particularly men and those in the 60-70 age group. For further information telephone Celia Hulatt on 781082 or Jo Morris on 781430.

Drivers Wanted - Beni Wright
The Bedfordshire Community Transport Brokerage (Beds CTB) is a new minibus sharing scheme that enables groups and organisations to use accessible and affordable transport.
We need to recruit more volunteer drivers. Payment can be offered to drivers in some circumstances. Drivers will need to have Mini Bus Driver Awareness Training (MiDAS) training. Funds are available, subject to approval, to pay for the training. Drivers can choose whether they want to be a dedicated driver for a particular organisation like Scouts or Guides, or are available for more general work. Even a few hours a month could help a group provide a special treat!
If you are interested, and to find out if you would qualify for free training, please contact Beni Wright at Beds Rural Communities Charity on 838 771 ext 106.

Pinchmill School Association - Miranda Doggett
An all too belated word of thanks to all those who braved the arctic conditions of that midsummer night in June to attend the open air recital by Jane Emmanuel and Tim Farrell. Though the air was chilly our hearts were warmed by a stirring programme of summer music from Mozart and Elgar through to Sondheim. It was a truly memorable evening and your support contributed over £500 towards the School Extension Appeal. Thank you!

Pinchmill School Christmas - Fair Miranda Doggett
This will be held on Friday 3rd December, 3.30pm in Pinchmill School Hall. As in previous years everyone is warmly invited to this seasonal event. Stalls ranging from cakes, crafts, plants, Christmas cards and gifts to toy tombola will be held by the PSA, the children of the school, Pinchmill Pre-School, Phoenix Trading, Save the Children and more. Teas and mince pies will be served and we all hope you will join us in our 30th year for what promises to be once again a most enjoyable afternoon.

Do You Have A Long Term Illness? - Bedford NHS Primary Care Trust
Do you want to be able to self- manage your illness better? There are two innovative groups that can help

Expert Patient Programme - Catherine Kirk
The Expert Patient Programme is a free course teaching knowledge and skills to people living with long-term illnesses to allow them to self-manage their conditions more effectively.
Anyone with a long term condition can take part, including: Asthma, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, MS, Parkinson's disease, high blood pressure.
The next course will begin on Thursday 13th January on Barkers Lane. It runs for 6 consecutive weeks, in 2'/z hour sessions. Areas covered include action planning, goal setting, relaxation and pain reduction techniques, communication and emotional issues
For more information contact Catherine Kirk, Expert Patient Co-ordinator, Bedford PCT on 795867 or email expert. patient@bedford-pct.nhs.uk

Pioneer Group - Mike Evans
The Pioneer Group is a support group for anybody who is living with a long-term illness or condition; to encourage the development of a more positive, confident and active lifestyle.
We get together socially for informal talks from guest speakers, a friendly chat and a cup of tea, on every third Monday of the month at 12 o'clock until 2.30 at Bedford Centre for Voluntary Services 43 Bromham Road.
Don't feel you are on your own - contact us: Mike Evans 400347, Kate Parsons 351150, Alternatively email us at: thepioneergroup hotmail.com or visit the website at: www.thepioneergroup.ik.co

Pinchmill Pre-School Christmas Party on 11th December
Includes a disco Licenced bar available
Bring your own food
Tickets cost £10

Carol Singing - Miranda Doggett
Children, families and friends of Pinchmill School will be carolling on or near your doorstep on Friday, 10th December in aid of the School Extension Appeal. Anyone wishing to join the merry throng should bring a torch to the School at 6.OOpm; carol sheets provided, everybody welcome!

St Mary's, Carol Service - Miranda Doggett
Calling all singers! As Felmersham and Radwell seem to harbour a wealth of talent in so many departments it must follow that there are a few gifted singers out there who would enjoy taking part in the candlelit service of nine lessons and carols on Sunday 19th December. Rehearsals will take place on Sundays from 11.30am for about an hour; first rehearsal on 21st November (venue to be confirmed). Singers of all ages welcomed, any elusive tenors with open arms! For further information please contact Pam fforde on 720398 or me on 782234.

Thank You - Margery Evers
I would like to thank everyone from Felmersham and Radwell Community Care who gave their time recently to take me to Addenbrooke's Hospital. Also, for all the good wishes I have had from friends and neighbours in the village. It was greatly appreciated.

Remembrance Sunday - Geoffrey Hulatt
There will be a short wreath laying service, conducted by Rev, David Mason, at the War Memorial at approximately 11.45 am on Sunday 14th November, immediately following the morning service.
If you wish to contribute towards the cost of the poppy wreath please contact me on 781082 or send your donation to 6 Marriotts Close, Felmersham PLEASE SUPPORT THE POPPY APPEAL

News from the Park Friends of Harrold-Odell Country Park
We are very lucky to benefit from the time and skills of our small band of volunteers. People often ask how they can get involved with helping at the park and here's the answer-join the Friends of Harrold-Odell Country Park!
This is a new group we're setting up to build on the work of our existing volunteers, give more people the opportunity to be involved, and of course, benefit the country park. We're looking for people to help with practical work such as habitat management, tree planting and hedge work; assist with events and guided walks; record wildlife; become a voluntary warden or anything else!
We're starting off with some conservation tasks on the following dates: Monday 29th November, Monday 20th December, and Saturday 29th January
All events will start at 10 am and end around 3pm. No skills are necessary, as training will be given. All tools will be provided, as will hot drinks and biscuits. All you need to bring is your lunch and yourself and wear sturdy footwear and old outdoor clothing. So if you enjoy fresh air and the countryside, want to learn new skills or meet new people why not try it?
If you're interested, would like any further information, or think you may have a different skill you'd like us to benefit from, please contact us on the number or email below. Other events:
Tuesday 7th December 10am - 2pm, Bedford
Volunteer Bureau at the Park If you're looking for something else interesting to do, come to the Visitor Centre and meet Hazel from BVB and see what you can try as a volunteer. Stretch your imagination. Broaden your horizons. Help others in the process.
Wed 15th December 2pm-4pm, Introducing Harrold-Odell Country Park
A guided walk for those who have never been to the park before, or have been hundreds of times and want to find out more about the park, its history and wildlife. Warm clothing and stout footwear required. The walk will be about 2.5 miles long. Booking required.
Saturday 22nd January 10am-1pm, Winter Birds at the Park Guided Walk
Discover our winter wildfowl on the lakes and river. Listen for winter songbirds and look out for winter visitors. You don't need to be an experienced bird watcher to attend, in fact no experience is required, but you will need warm clothing and stout footwear. Bring some binoculars if you have them. The walk will be about 2.5 miles long. Booking required.
For further information or to book your place on the guided walks please contact us on 720016 or email: lyndsey.bignell@bedscc.gov.uk

Pinchmill Pre-School Christmas Party - Christine Callaghan After pressure from many villagers over the last couple of weeks, we have decided to hold a Christmas Party. You will probably see posters around soon but details are in an advert overleaf.

Portakabin Update - Christine Callaghan As most of you are aware, we have been fundraising over the last few years in order to renovate the Portakabin, that was kindly donated to us by Martin Hewlett, so that we can operate in our own building. If any of you wander down The Old Road or have anything to do with the Lower School or Pre-School you will have seen workmen or parents working regularly on the building in recent months. It has been very exciting for me to see the project move forward so quickly, thanks mainly to our project manager, Jeremy Carr, with the help of structural engineer, Don Stephenson but also to all the people who have supported us financially. The building has now been cladded, new windows have been fitted, a porch has been constructed, the interior walls have been built, the electrics are just about in and we await toilets in the next few days....in other words we are just about on target for our completion date of early January 2005. It would be especially appropriate if we could open the new building in January because it would mark the 30th anniversary of the pre-school being founded. The only thing that might prevent us from achieving our goal is a lack of cashflow! The pre-school committee have been busy fundraising - on our recent "Ladies' Night" we managed to raise over £500 - and we have also successfully applied for some grants but we still need to find a few thousand more in order to move in the New Year....

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Ouse News will print items of interest to the community not just reports of past village activities or reminders of forthcoming ones.
Feedback on any of the items published would be most welcome – whether for printing or not.
Items for next month's Ouse News should be sent to the editor: Clive Just, 2 The Old Rectory by the 25th of the month. It would help if items were emailed to
OuseNews@bigfoot.com; sent on disk; or typed. Phone 781967 for more details.

Online version of Ouse News additionally edited by the webmaster.
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