"All for Thee" - Chris Ure
Driving around the Gower Peninsula last summer, we took a wrong turning
and found ourselves outside a house in Caswell Bay displaying a sign
saying that it had once been the home of the Christian poet and hymn
writer: Frances Havergal Ridley. I recognised the name but couldn't
remember the hymns, so returning to Felmersham, I checked the internet to
find a most impressive list of over seventy of her hymns that are still in
common use today. Among them 'Who is on the Lord's side' and 'Take my life
and let it be'.
Her biographical notes revealed that she was a quite remarkable Victorian
woman. She was a Greek and Hebrew scholar, who spoke several modern
languages and was both a prolific writer and a concert soloist. But
despite her many achievements, she maintained a simple faith based on her
absolute trust and confidence in God. Her most famous hymn speaks of
serving God in every way: in mind, hands, feet, wealth, influence, love
and self. And that is exactly what she did. She lived her life recognising
and using every gift that God had given her.
Few of us can possess her extraordinary linguistic and musical talents and
yet, as her hymn reminds us, we all have something to give, whether it is
passing on skills or supporting and encouraging others. Perhaps the true
measure of how much we have in life is reflected in how much we give.
The life of Frances Havergal Ridley was a relatively short one, living
only forty-three years and yet her accomplishment was enormous, leaving a
legacy that remains an inspiration throughout the world, to the present
Christian Aid - Gill Greenish
Many thanks to all who collected for Christian Aid in May. The total
raised was £304.79 so thank you for giving so generously.
Arthritis Research Campaign - Jennifer Knowles
A total of £309 was raised in the recent collection. Grateful thanks to
all who contributed and also to the collectors - Celia Hulatt, Pamela
Norris, Valerie Sexton, Betty Taylor, Pauline Tull, Wendy Williamson and
Renée Whitbread.
Coffee Morning - Jane Wells
There is no Church Coffee Morning in August. The Coffee Morning for
September will be held at the home of Ruth Coxon, on Saturday 4 September
2004 at 10.30am.
Home made cakes, toiletries, produce and bric-a-brac for the bring and buy
stall will be greatly appreciated. All welcome.
The good, the bad and the ugly!? - Carol Stork
The Steering Group for the Vital Village project held its second meeting
on 9th June, where, amongst other matters, the Committee agreed to set out
their stall at the Felmersham village fair on Sunday 18th July.
The stall - nicknamed 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' (although rumours
that the Committee Chairman will be sporting a poncho and smoking a cigar
are grossly exaggerated!) will be an opportunity for you to comment on
what you think is good and bad about our Parish. There will be a display
of photographs to help trigger thoughts about a variety of aspects of
parish life - as well as the chance to 'post' your thoughts and
suggestions about future developments in the 'suggestions box' provided.
So please come along and talk to the members of the Committee and take the
opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the Vital Village
project. If you are unable to make it on the 18tn, but would still like to
'post' your thoughts - you can do so on the Felmersham village website. A
'group' facility has been set up by Ken Shrimpton in the Vital Village
area of the site which allows you to post messages about the project for
others in the group to see. It's a simple matter of clicking on 'Tell us
what you think' from the menu, then clicking on the Felmersham and Radwell
Parish Plan Group and following the steps to join the group. You will then
be able to post messages to the group whenever you like.
You can also visit this section of the website for further details of the
matters discussed at the Steering Committee meeting on the 9th June.
WI - May Mills
Silence is not normally synonymous with Women's Institute meetings, but,
not a sound was heard for several minutes, albeit periodically, during the
evening. What phenomenon had struck us dumb - thoughts of Brad Pitt in a
skirt or the unpredictability of sponge baking? We were collectively
mesmerised by Mrs Morgan's extremely skilful demonstration of the Corn
Dolly craft, which produced a lavender doll and a countryman's favour (an
old-fashioned substitute for today's box of chocolates or flowers for a
sweetheart). Traditionally, a corn dolly was made from the seeds at the
centre of the field and hung over the hearth until sowing time the
following year, when it was sown with the new seeds. Different counties
have their own `dolly mascots', some of which she had on display,
including the Suffolk Horseshoe, Hereford Lantern and the Essex Terrett.
Mark Twain said ' There is something fascinating about silence. One gets
such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of
fact.' Did we?
Pinchmill Pre-School Portacabin Appeal - Update - Christine
Great news - we have been successful with our application to the Bedford
Charity (Harpur Trust) and have been given a grant of £5,000. Work on the
building will progress during the summer holidays.
Do You Look After Someone? - Paul Keeble
Do care for a person who is ill, frail, disabled or mentally ill on a
regular unpaid basis? Would you like a break from this role for a few
hours each month? Then contact the Carers Short Breaks Bureau free on 0800
039 1234.
Part of Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity, the Bureau gives Carers
Free Vouchers to exchange with a professional care agency on an approved
listing. Each month you can take a break and know a trained person can
look after the person you care for.
Rural Skills Network - Rural Affairs Forum
The Bedfordshire Rural Affairs Forum have commissioned BigBarn, based in
Great Barford, to build the Beds Rural Skills Network - an organisation to
promote local skills to local people.
There is a large and diverse skill resource in our rural area either in
existing farm businesses or from the general rural population. At the same
time there is a demand for these skills from people who want to be able to
call on local traders for their goods and services.
The Beds Rural Skills Network aims to connect these two groups using
mapping on a new website www.bedsruralskills.org. We also hope to work
with parish magazines to provide printed versions in magazines in the
future. If you have a service or skill you think other local people would
like to know about you can register on the site for a listing or phone
01234 871 005 if you are not on-line.
Special Constables - Bedfordshire Police
Why not join Bedfordshire Police as a Volunteer Police Officer, also known
as a Special Constable.
Special Constables are people from all walks of life who choose to spend
some of their spare time supporting their local Police Force.
Special Constables are asked to volunteer for at least 16 hours duty a
month. All necessary training is provided along with Uniform and
You will need to be aged between eighteen and fifty-two years old. You
must be a British, Irish or Commonwealth citizen, or a member of an
European Economic Area, with no restrictions on your stay in the UK. All
candidates must be fluent in spoken and written English.
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