A Happy New Year - Rev David Mason
By the time that you are reading this we will be well into the new year, I
write it as the old year comes to its end. The past year has been marked
internationally by the events in the Middle East. The misgivings that many
had about the projected conflict in Iraq that we were aware of a year ago
have not been resolved by the subsequent events. That sorry country is
still a place of violence and conflict, and the threat of international
terrorism has not receded. Peace for many nations still seems far away,
and is likely to do so as long as the gap between rich and poor continues
to widen. The Christmas message of peace and goodwill to all peoples needs
more than words to bring it to reality. It needs action to deal with
social injustice and the recognition that loving our neighbour involves
the care of the poor and dispossessed wherever they may be, in our prayers
let us remember those who are working for the coming of God's kingdom to
our world.
We have all appreciated the new heating system, particularly during the
recent cold weather. I have heard it said, and quite believe it, that
Felmersham Church is the coldest one in the county (perhaps in the
country). We thank all those who have contributed to the cost of the
system, and those who have worked so hard to bring it to completion. We
are very fortunate to have such a magnificent building in our village, and
I hope that now it is not so cold we will be able to make more use of it.
It was good to have children from the school taking part in the Carol
Service, they sang so well for us. The school goes from strength to
strength, and we thank the staff for all their hard work for and
dedication to the children, and parents for their encouragement and
We thank you for your kindness and encouragement to us over the last year,
and wish you a belated Happy and Successful New Year.
Thanks - Rev David Mason
I would like to thank all those who worked so hard to prepare and decorate
the church for the Christmas festivities. I would also like to thank all
those who work throughout the year to clean and maintain the church, those
who support our worship week by week in many different years, and those
who support the church and community in so many different ways. Visitors
often comment on how clean and beautiful the church is, and how it is kept
in such good order. This is only achieved by a lot of hard work by many,
and it is very much appreciated. Kilimanjaro - Jane
Elliott Poxon
In June 2004 I am hiking to the top of Kilimanjaro to raise money for
SCOPE. I have pledged to raise £3,000, If you would like to help with a
small donation then please go to
http://www.justgiving.com/escaping where you can donate online. Thank
you in advance. I will let you know how I get on when I return.
Yoga Club - Hilary Foot
A reminder that our Spring yoga classes begin at Pinchmill Village Hall at
7.30pm on Monday 1 st March. You are invited to join us for nine sessions
on Monday evenings from 7.30 - 8.30. Please bring a yoga mat, large towel
or blanket. All ranges of ability are welcome, from beginner onwards. Even
if you can't make the first session, we will be pleased to see you for
some or all of the others. If you have any queries, please telephone me on
781340. Coffee Morning - Jane Wells
The Church Coffee Morning for February is at the home of Paul and Mary
Freeman on 7th February at 10.30am.
The Coffee Morning for March in aid of the Church Heating Fund will be
held at the home of David and Judith Folbigg on Saturday 6th March 2004 at
10.30am. Home made cakes, toiletries, produce and bric-a-brac for the
bring and buy stall will be greatly appreciated. All welcome
WI - May Mills
Are you feeling stressed, unhappy, or lacking in vitality and in need of
an energy boost? If you answered 'yes' then your chakras are in need of
cleansing and balancing! Chakras? No, not an MOT for your car, but energy
centres in the body which govern the state of our health physically,
psychologically and spiritually,: according to the healing therapy of
Reiki. A very personable young man called Justin introduced us to this
Science of Energy, which has its roots in ancient India and Tibet, and is
in fact a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Force Energy (called 'prana'
in India and 'chi' in China). Anyone can learn Reiki and its benefits
appear endless - from holistic healing to meditation technique to
dissolving of negative attitudes - it is the perfect self-help system
which reconnects us with life force energy, affecting a deep sense of
relaxation by releasing blocked energy and cleansing the body of all
toxins. Justin was accompanied by three Reiki practitioners, who
demonstrated the technique, thus enabling many of us to sample the
treatment. Justin recommends a holistic approach and to this end has
opened a Centre in Bedford called 'Inner Peace' where various
complementary therapies and treatments, including Reiki, can be taken. He
is in good company - in 400BC Plato said 'The cure of the part should not
be attempted without the cure of the whole'. Now you know where to go -
you heard it here first - the W.I.! Parish Council
Meeting 6 January 2004 - Maggie Spoor
7 Councillors and 15 members of the public attended this meeting.
Radwell's Festival of Britain village sign is being refurbished.
The Pre-School Committee have been unsuccessful in their bid for a Rural
Grant. During Parishioners questions, Lisa Parrish reported they are now
looking for other ways of raising the money and welcome any ideas or
Litter in the parish, and in particular, broken glass on the playing field
was discussed. There are many unsung people in the parish who regularly
litter pick and, for example, keep the bus shelter clean. There will be an
organised intensive "Spring Clean", probably in March. All volunteers will
be most welcome. (A date has since been set for the weekend 27t''l28rn
March. Meet at the Church at 10.00 am Saturday, 2.30 pm Sunday. More
details next month).
Finance: The precept for 2004/05 was set at £8000, the same as last
year. This equates to approximately £24 per household per year. (The
precept is the money that comes to the Parish from the rates - it pays for
street lighting, grass-cutting, insurance, admin. expenses, repairs, etc.
It was agreed that the contracts for street lighting maintenance and
grasscutting should remain with the present contractors.
The Parish Council will again apply for the mobile skateboarding ramp run
by the Police, Hopefully we will be successful this year.
Highways: The Clerk will again contact DSD regarding road sweeping.
Some areas have not been swept for months.
Concerns regarding footpath maintenance will be referred to the P3 group.
Parts of the elevated walkway beyond Felmersham bridge (actually in
Sharnbrook parish) are in a poor state of repair. The clerk will contact
the appropriate body.
Mrs Pipe reported that the bus service from Bedford Bus Station was
currently unreliable - buses leaving from the wrong bays or not running at
Planning: The Clerk reported that the Bedford Local Plan is being
re-named The Local Development Framework.
Vital Village Update: Peter Hartop reported on the meeting with Zoe
Ashby, the Rural Communities Charity fieldworker. The meeting had been
positive, particularly as the criteria for a grant have changed slightly
in our favour - a small community which has not recently carried out a
village appraisal. A general meeting will be arranged in February when all
parishioners will be invited to attend. Feed back from this important
meeting will determine whether the project will proceed. (See separate
Correspondence: We heard about the work of the Rural Support Group
- a charity with volunteers, who will provide a listening ear, help and
advice to people in rural areas. Details are with Mike Thomas of
Felmersham Community Care.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 2`1 March 7.30 pin Pinchmill Hall
Bell Ringing - Colin Payne
Bromsgrove Bellringers will be visiting Felmersham on Saturday 13th. March
from 4.00pm. to 5.00pm. Vital Village - Parish Plan
The Parish Council is inviting all residents of Felmersham and Radwell to
influence the villages' future by helping to prepare a Parish Plan.
Parish Plans are being encouraged as part of the Government-backed
Countryside Agency's Vital Villages Initiative. The Vital Villages
programme is making a real difference. It puts community decision-making
in the hands of the people who live there. Advice and grants of up to
£5,000 are available to cover costs of preparing a Parish Plan.
Parish Plans can provide a blueprint for the future of the community. They
can also provide:
A way to influence decisions by other bodies such as local authorities and
service providers
A basis for action where the parish can help itself
A way of improving our chances of securing funds for local initiatives
Who is involved?
Every member of the community will be given an opportunity to contribute
their views, skills, energy and experience to produce the plan.
Parish Plans belong to the community, it's up to you!
To this end there will be a meeting in Pinchmill Hall on 25th February at
7.30 pm when more information will be available and ideas discussed.
For more information contact Peter Hartop 782165, Chris Poulter 781049,
Maggie Spoor 782031 or Mike Thomas 781722. Cottage To
Let in Felmersham
Available shortly. Please contact Tom Parrish on 07818 438635
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