Holiday Time is Here Again - Rev D Mason I am
writing this just after we have returned from a very enjoyable and
interesting holiday. Time spent away from the routine of daily life is
valuable in providing time for families to be together and have space to
develop relationships, and to stand back and look at the way that they are
living. This month is the time when many of you, particularly those of you
with children of school age, will be embarking on your annual holidays.
We live such pressured lives that there is all too rarely time to stop and
think, time to take a good look at where we are, and where we seem to be
going. Life can become a treadmill, it can seem that we are always running
to catch up, that we are reacting to events rather than initiating them.
The time spent on holiday is important to get some rest from the pressures
that are there at all other times. If such pressures as I have described
are all too familiar to you it may well be that the holiday time away from
those pressures is the time when you should re-examine your life style.
Time to see if some changes could be made which would enable you take more
control. I am sure that it is not God's intention that the gift of life
that he gives to each one of us should be so pressured that the gift
becomes a burden rather than a thing to be enjoyed and treasured. Is it
really necessary that we completely fill our lives to the extent that
there is no space to stop and think? God has given each one of us the gift
of life to enjoy and to use wisely. He has given us a pattern of living
proclaimed by Jesus in the gospels, so let us examine our lives in the
light of that pattern of living, and make changes as they are necessary to
restore a healthy balance to them. The forces of this world seek to
enslave us, and will attack us at our most vulnerable points.
It is natural that we should seek the best for our families, and to strive
for the wealth to enable us to provide all the material things that are
available. But in striving all the hours that are available we are in
danger of depriving our families and ourselves of precious times spent
together, of weakening that precious gift of love that unites families,
and forms the basis of a healthy relationship in which the family can grow
together. I hope that you all enjoy your holidays, and spend time together
working out if any changes of life-style could or should be changed to
enable more time to be spent together as a family.
Village Fair and Show - Maggie Spoor
A date for your diary. The Village Hall Committee are organising a
Village Fair and Show to be held on Saturday 6th September. This will be
in aid of Village Hall funds. More details in next month's Ouse News.
Home Watch - Summer Burglaries
Joan White/Paul Keeble
Our Local Beat Manager has advised us of-eleven house burglaries in our
rural area. The thieves have used windows left open for ventilation during
this hot weather when the homeowner has gone out, often for a very short
time. In one neighbouring village a house was targeted when the occupant
went to post a letter, in another a handbag was stolen from a car in the
few minutes the victim was stowing one bag of groceries before returning
for the next. These thieves are opportunistic and constantly on the prowl.
However a more determined set of villains is at work, a gang of four or
five youths are robbing houses when the occupants are in. They are very
quick workers and use open windows when the occupants are in the garden or
use distraction techniques such as knocking at both the front and back
doors in quick succession or asking for water.
It is encouraging to see more people visiting the mobile police office
when it comes to the village. It is an excellent opportunity to meet our
local beat managers and voice our concerns personally. If you have any
complaints or worries please tell the police as this enables them to build
up an accurate picture of what is actually going on in the villages. Don't
rely on someone else drawing things to their attention, the more people
who report an incident the more seriously they take it. The next visit is
17 July 4.30 - 6.30 Radwell Green 7.00 - 9.00 Felmersham Bridge One of our
Beat Managers, PC Edmondson is retiring next month so we wish him all the
very best for the future and thank him for all he has done for rural
policing. |
Coffee Morning
- Jane Wells
The Coffee Morning for July, in aid of the Church Heating Fund,
will be held at the home of Ian and Margaret Coomber, at The Bakery,
Grange Road on Saturday 5 July at 10.30 am. Home made cakes,
toiletries produce and brlc a brac for the bring and buy stall will
be greatly appreciated. All welcome There is no Church Coffee
Morning in August
P3 Update - Chris Ure
The following matters have recently been undertaken:
Footpath clearance between Carlton Road and Odell
A new kissing gate installed at FPA5 (opposite the Swan Public
A BTCV working group in the village over a weekend in June
Agreement for dog latches along the Pinchmill Islands footpath
A reprint of the first footpath leaflet, delivery due soon
The following matters are receiving attention.
Plans to reprint the two maps for the map boards Plans for a third
leaflet based on the map boards Purchase of tools
The next meeting of the group: Thursday 24th July 2003, The Old
Plough, Church Lane 7.45 p.m. New Members Welcome
Women's Institute - Joan Ure
You are invited to journey back in time to enjoy an evening of
Victorian Magic Lantern entertainment. Local enthusiast Aleck Foster
will bring with him examples of his rare collection of magic
lanterns to provide a fascinating glimpse into a bygone age where
you will enjoy some of the earliest examples of projected images.
This is an open meeting hosted by Felmersham and Radwell WI at 8pm
on Tuesday 16th September at Pinchmill Hall. Entry is free and
everyone is welcome (men, women and children!).
Mill Theatre Companion Dog Show - Theo Gibbs
The Companion Dog Show (KC) (formerly known as Exemption) is on
Sunday 7'' September from 11am. Pedigree & Novelty Classes including
Best Rescued, Child Handler, Best Family Group, Fancy Dress, Best 6
legs! Trophies. Rosettes to 6th place. Refreshments - Licensed Bar -
Stalls. Proceeds to Mill Theatre Disabled Access Lift Fund.... Help
give us a lift & enjoy a happy day out with your companion beside
the River Great Ousel.
All Saints' Church, Odell - Jill Cheadle
Celebrates the 50th Anniversary of our Queen's coronation with a
FESTIVAL OF FLOWERS in August, The Church will be open from 10am-5pm
on Saturday 23 Id and 11.30am-5pm on Sunday 24'h. Tea and coffee
will be served. Admission ĢI.
Also: JOHN ZARADIN CONCERT 7.30pm Saturday 23rd in the Church.
Tickets Ģ10 to include light refreshments. John, a local classical
guitarist of international fame, will entertain with a diverse
programme including items from his recently premiered 'Latin
American Suite for Guitar and Orchestra'. Tickets available from
Jill Cheadle, 01234 720261. All proceeds to the All Saints' Appeal
Alex Stubbs |