Ouse News
      The Parish Magazine  April 2003

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Ouse News is published by Felmersham Parochial Church Council and Sponsored by Chesham Insurance Brokers

Christian Family Care - Chris Ure (Director)

In a multi-faith, multi-cultural society, what place does the Christian church occupy in the lives of people today?

Many dismiss the church as out of touch and irrelevant. But the church that I know through my work at Christian Family Care, is a church with a heart and a church with a mission.

It is a church that demonstrates the ministry of Christ in a practical way. Our work, which provides homeless accommodation and support for some of the most vulnerable people in Bedfordshire, was founded by local, radically minded Christians in the 19th century. The only reason that our work has survived into two new centuries is that the same passion and pioneering spirit that existed then, still exists today in the churches that continue to support our work.

Our work and the work of many other Christian mission organisations demonstrates the practical outreach of the Christian faith in a dynamic way. it is the love of Christ in human form. Across Britain, there are churches that have founded orphanages in the Third World. There are churches that provide support for countries suffering from the effects of Aids and famine and there are churches that meet the needs of the homeless and the disaffected and the broken.

In His ministry on earth, Christ challenged the establishment. He turned the value system of the world on its head. He reached out to the sick and the lame and the possessed. He gave status to the poor and he gave power to the weak. He demonstrated that the love of God is accessible to all and He called on us to do the same.

There can be surely no better demonstration today, of Christ’s command for us to love one another than in the millions of lives that are touched and transformed in all corners of the world by Christian mission, in Christ’s name. (1 John 4 v 7)

Church Cleaning Rota - Gill Greenish

We would like to welcome anyone interested in joining the rota - the commitment is light, typically only a few hours approximately 4 times a year.

There will be a meeting of those on the church cleaning rota on Wednesday 12 March at 800pm at Cartref, Grange Road so please come along if you are interested or ring me on 782559.

Bedford Guild House - Maggie Goodchild

The Bedford Guild House is an activity centre and meeting place for older people. We are open from IO.O0-4.OOpm every weekday, offering a wide range of activities, lunches, hairdressing and chiropody, advice sessions, and a friendly environment where people can feel safe and enjoy the company of others. As part of our fundraising strategy, we are staging the following events:

Sunday, March 9th, lOam-4pm Antique & Collectors Fair

A variety of stalls plus a valuation desk, Food served all day.
 £1 (50p conos).

Thursday, 20th March, 8.OOpm Wine & Wisdom - The Sequel

Following the success of our first Wine & Wisdom Quiz Night in November last year, we will be holding a sequel event. Teams of 6 required, £6 per head to include a fish & chip supper and coffee. Teams bring their own wine or soft drinks. Prizes for the best and worst team. Please book as soon as possible.

Saturday, March 29th, lOam-4pm Art and Craft Exhibition for all over 50s Exhibits ranging from watercolours, flower arranging, woodcarving, lace making, homemade preserves etc. Some exhibits are for sale. Light refreshments served all day. Prize giving at 315pm. Entry fee £1. Entry forms and schedules from the Guild House reception for anyone who would like to submit their work.

Details about any event or about the Guild House are available from me The Guild House, 56 Harpur St, Bedford or phone 352038 or visit the website http://www. bedford. gov. uk/bedfcrdguildhouse/

Save The Children Fund - Collette Bridgman

The Bedford Branch are holding a Quiz Night at Sharnbrook Upper School on Saturday 5 April starting at 730pm. Tickets are £5 per person (including a glass of wine) and can be obtained from Andy Evans on 782523. Teams of up to a maximum of 8 in advance or team up on the evening. Bring your own food and have an entertaining evening while helping the children.

Carlton and Chellington Historical Society - Mike Benson

The next meeting will be held in Stevington Village Hall on 20 March and will be a presentation by the co-authors of the newly published History of Stevington about how the book was produced. Call me on 781649 for further information.

Bedfordshire Village of the Year 2003 - Sue Keen

Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity (RCC) is looking for the village that will represent our county at the regional level. The procedure this year has been made very straightforward. There are just three steps to get you started: 

• express your interest before 11 April 

• answer the questions in the Community Profile 

• send your completed Community Profile to RCC by 13 June

On 16 July the RCC will present category awards in the 6 sections community life; business; older people; young people; environment and IT. One village will be awarded the Bedfordshire Village of the Year accolade. The regional round of Calor’s Village of the Year is in mid-October. For more information ring Julia Holmes at the RCC on 838771 or email juliah@bedsrcc.org.uk

W.I.        May Mills

"Prunes and Prisms of Victorian Childhood"- a rather curious title for a talk, you might think, but Marion Maule is no ordinary speaker. She is alive with information which comes spilling out of her in an enthusiastic stream, reinforced by an enormous amount of Victorian memorabilia lovingly collected over the years.

She began and ended with Queen Victoria (we really should read her diaries) seemingly touching on every aspect of Victorian society, and in the process often exposing the hypocrisy beneath the veneer of respectability. Along the way she gave titbits such as - boys wore dresses until the age of five to ‘fool the devil’; because of the tax on soap children were sewn into their vests in October!

Why ‘Prunes and Prisms’? Apparently, as a child, one had to articulate both words in order to arrange one’s face in the proper manner before meeting the grown-ups! Those were the days!!

WI. Group Meeting                        May Mills

Lynn Hopwood will be displaying her collection of 1920’s - 1960’s dresses in Pinchmill Hall on Wednesday 12 March starting at 730pm. Admission is £1 including tea and cake, and everyone is welcome!



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Page last updated: 07/05/03  Ouse News is published by St Mary's PCC

Ouse News will print anything of interest to the community not just reports of past village activities or reminders of forthcoming ones. Feedback on any of the items published would be most welcome – whether for printing or not.
Items for next month's Ouse News should be sent to the editor: Clive Just, 2 The Old Rectory by the 25th of the month. It would help if items were emailed to OuseNews@bigfoot.com; sent on disk; or typed. Phone 781967 for more details.