Ouse News
The Parish Magazine
August 2002
Ouse News is published by Felmersham Parochial Church Council and Sponsored by Chesham Insurance Brokers

Holiday Time Is Here Again - Rev David Mason

I am writing this after our holidays, and as the school term is about to finish. Many of you will be going on, or will have returned from, holiday. It is good to have a time of rest and refreshment, to travel and to have new experiences. This year we enjoyed round the clock daylight for the first time, it was strange to be sitting out in the sunshine at midnight.

Many of us live such pressured lives that it is only at holiday times that we are able to spend any reasonable length of time with our families. It can be tempting to make our holidays as pressured as the rest of our lives as we attempt to cram as much as possible into the time that we are away. But can I suggest that you resist that temptation for at least part of the holiday. Set some time for enjoying each other’s company and allow yourselves to re-discover the joy and the art of conversation. It may be too much to do without the radio, television or other form of electronic entertainment for any length of time, but at least switch them off for some of the time that you are together, and allow yourselves to listen and to talk to each other. I believe that much of the family breakdown and unhappiness that is all too common today results from not communicating at any deep level. Use holidays to spend time getting to know and love each other again.

I wish you all a happy and refreshing holiday season, and look forward to seeing you all return in the Autumn ready to face the rest of the year.

Sharnbrook Cubs - Robin Shaw

Sharnbrook Cub pack currently has 24 boys and one leader - me. During the school holidays I will be leaving the area, which means the pack will have no leader and so will close. Could you take on the running of the pack? Previous experience of Scouting is not essential though it would be an advantage. Formal qualifications are not needed, the only requirement is to be between 18 and 65 and have a desire to encourage children to become responsible citizens.

The boys are enthusiastic and turn up regularly to take part in the activities organised at County, District and Pack level. They would like to be able to retain the 5 a side trophy next year and go to camp.

The District team and other leaders would support you especially as you undertake training and ‘find your feet’ as a leader. If you would like further information about Cubs please contact Roger Woollard (781944) or me (782358).

W.I. - May Mills

We thought we had come for a history lesson but Ken Shrimpton began his talk firmly in the present, describing the benefits of the Internet as a research tool for the local historian.  There was also a plug for our own website - felmersham.net - along the way! To his obvious delight, the Internet has enabled him to procure a Bible owned by Edward Arpin, the Felmersham sexton and distinctive chronicler of 19th century village life. 

However, the more traditional methods have also proved fruitful, with the Wren Library, Cambridge yielding up a document which accurately dates the Church screen, providing Ken with a new piece of evidence for his forthcoming book. 

As always, Ken's snapshot of the past, delivered with enthusiastic professionalism, left us wanting more. If your appetite, like ours, has been whetted then we shall all have to wait and buy the book!  

Sharnbrook & Colworth Rugby Club - Brian Smith

The club has completed its first full season since relocating to the sports and social club in Lodge Road, Sharnbrook. New recruits young and not-so-young are welcome. Even if you have enjoyed playing but are no longer able to, you may enjoy the camaraderie of the club - come along and join us.

Next season will offer a full fixture list playing social rugby at a keen standard including cup competitions and a tour. Training starts 7pm Tuesday 6th August.

Phone me on 781443 or ask for details at the playing field pavilion.

Arthritis Research Campaign - Jennifer Knowles 

£235.42 was collected in the recent house to house collection. Grateful thanks to all who contributed and to the collectors: Peggy Alexandra, Mary Freeman, Karen Stokley, Marigold Sykes, Valerie Sexton, Renee Whitbread, Kanzy Zaki

Permaculture Courses - Mary Whiting

Free courses on permaculture and organic gardening Sunday September 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd

Look out for more information on the village notice board or contact me on 782654 or m_whiting60@hotmail.com.

Sponsored Cycle Ride - Stephen Hill

The annual sponsored cycle ride and walk organised by Beds and Herts Historic Churches Trust takes place on 14th September. Cyclists choose their own route visiting local churches, so you can make the ride as long or as short as you like. Sponsorship proceeds are divided equally between the Trust and the church of the rider’s choice. This is an ideal opportunity to exercise yourself and your bike while contributing to St Mary's restoration fund. Contact me on 781064 if you would like a sponsorship form or for further details, or if you would like to man the checkpoint at St Mary's for an hour to sign through visiting cyclists.




Have a day at the seaside - Tourist Information Centre

The Off Peak Day Return offer is now in its third year. It enables you to travel on Thameslink Trains along the Thameslink City Flier and City Metro lines ie. London, Gatwick, Brighton, Wimbledon & Sutton. To return on a different day buy another set of tickets dated for the return - the off-peak restriction still applies.

Depart or return at any Thameslink station: Adults £10, Group £20 (up to four people), Child £1 (ages 5 - 15) accompanied children only. Maximum 4 children per paying adult or group ticket. Tickets are only valid for the specified day.

The first weekday train from Bedford to Blackfriars is at 9.15am, the first Bedford to Brighton train is at 9.27am. Weekends and Bank Holidays are off-peak.

Tickets can only be bought in person, in advance or on the day from Bedford Tourist Information 10 St Paul's Square Bedford,  Tel: 215226  Opening times: Mon-Sat. 9.30-5.00, Sundays (summer only) 11.00-3.00

Win Hawken

Win passed away on July 22nd at Sharnbrook House, aged 92. She will be sadly missed by all her friends at the residential home, her daughter Di, son-in-law Pete and two treasured grandchildren – Jeremy & Tamsyn. She is now at peace with her late husband John.

Win lived in West Looe, Cornwall, until 1964 when she moved with John to Liskeard and then in 1981 moved to Bedfordshire, where she has had 20 happy years with her immediate family. Her husband John, died in 1992 and since then Win has enjoyed the company of local pensioner groups. In 2000 she moved to Sharnbrook House and made friends with all the residents and staff – who describe her as a great character, always interested in what was going on around her and never without a smile or a “thank-you”. Her health began to fail her in the last two months of her life and whilst she knew those around her, she steadily became weaker. The funeral will be at St Mary’s on Friday 2 August at 2.15pm

John Gilpin     

Stewart and Isabel Buckingham would like to thank everyone for their condolences following the sad and sudden death of their son John Gilpin on June 28th. John came to Felmersham in June 1986 and rapidly made himself at home. With his twin brother Kenneth they did the paper round in Felmersham and then Radwell from 1990. He suffered a severe head injury in July 1993, and was never able to live at home again. Lately he has lived in the Cheshire Home at Timsbury near Bath.

Coffee Morning - Jane Wells

The coffee morning for September in aid of the Felmersham Church Restoration Fund will be held at the home of Michael and Caroline Jefferson on Saturday 14th September at 10:30am.

Contributions of home made cakes, toiletries, produce and bric-a-brac for the bring and buy stall will be most welcome. Everyone welcome.

Don't get caught on the Door!!  Bedford Trading Standards

Bedfordshire County Council Trading Standards is warning homeowners of the possible pitfalls of dealing with traders calling at your door selling goods and services.

With the better weather on the way there's likely to be more doorstep callers touting for business. The approach of a trader varies; recently a trader dressed in smart clothes, and a yellow fluorescent jacket claiming to be a contractor working on behalf of the Council has coned [sic] a homeowner in Bedfordshire. The homeowner, under the impression the tarmac was surplus to requirements allowed the trader to lay it on the driveway. The initial agreed total cost of £400 had risen to £3800 by the time the job was done.

Unfortunately the name and address of the company was bogus leaving the homeowner out of pocket and no one to sue.

Trading Standards Officers the following advice: -

· Don't let anyone into your home without checking out who they are. Make sure they have ID and Check with the company they are representing.

· Make sure you know who you are dealing with - get a name and address out of the local phone directory, or even better get a recommendation from a friend or neighbour.

· Always try and get 3 quotes to compare the cost

· If the price seems to good to be true, invariably it is

In response to complaints like this one Bedfordshire Trading Standards have produced a survival guide which includes helpful hints and telephone numbers. Trading Standards have also a stock of door stickers produced in conjunction with Bedfordshire Police to dissuade rogue doorstep callers from knocking.

For any further advice on this or other consumer issues, contact Bedfordshire Trading a Standards on 01234 228280.  Consumer@bedfordshire.gov.uk

Felmersham Yoga Club - Hilary Foot

A note for your diaries - Yoga classes will restart at Pinchmill Hall in September. You are invited to join us on Monday evenings from 7.30 - 8.30pm. Please bring a yoga mat, large towel or blanket.

Everyone is welcome. Posters will appear on the Village Notice Boards during August with dates and further details. If you have any queries, please 'phone me on 781340.

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Ouse News will print anything of interest to the community not just reports of past village activities or reminders of forthcoming ones. Feedback on any of the items published would be most welcome – whether for printing or not.
Items for next month's Ouse News should be sent to the editor: Clive Just, 2 The Old Rectory by the 25th of the month. It would help if items were emailed to OuseNews@bigfoot.com; sent on disk; or typed. Phone 781967 for more details.