Ouse News |
February 2002 |
Edited by Clive Just. email: OuseNews@bigfoot.com |
OBSERVING LENT Easter falls in March this year, and Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on the 13 February. During the Advent Penitential season we prepared ourselves to ready for the second coming of Jesus to rule the world, as we also prepared to celebrate his coming as a baby all those years ago. In the season of Lent as committed Christians we prepare ourselves for discipleship just as Jesus prepared himself for ministry during his time of temptation in the wilderness. This is the time to invite Jesus into our lives to make clear to us all those aspects of them that are not in accord with God’s plans for us. We have to examine our lives in the light of the Gospel, and to reject those parts of them that are contrary to God’s way. Many of us live such busy lives that we find it difficult to find the time for regular prayer and study during the week. Many of us find it difficult to find a place to be quiet as we pray and meditate on our lives as we seek to come near to God and seek his will for us. In days gone by it was customary to fast during Lent, to deny ourselves something that we enjoyed. Perhaps one way of finding the time and the peace for study, prayer and meditation would be to give up watching a favourite television programme or other pleasurable past-time and devote that time to Lenten activities. Or perhaps we need, as part of our Lenten studies, to examine our patterns of living, we may be filling them too much to allow space and time to think. It is sad to see how many relationships break up because then members grow apart as they fail to allow time for each other, times to communicate. Are all the things that we are involved with absolutely essential? Is there nothing in our lives that we could live without? Are we filling our time to avoid dealing with difficult issues? All questions that need to be asked by those who feel that they are almost too busy to enjoy the wonderful gift of life that God has given each one of us. Questions that need to be asked by those who cannot find space in their lives to relax and to rest. God has given us the time to do all that he wants us to do for him. We may need to ask God to show us what is getting in the way of having enough time, and be prepared to change our way of living in the light of God’s answer to that prayer. Golden Jubilee - David Cook There will be a meeting in the Village Hall at 7.3Opm on Wednesday 13 February to discuss ideas for the Golden Jubilee and form a committee to take action. This meeting was suggested at the last Parish Council meeting. Felmersham Yoga Club - Hilary Foot A note for your diaries - Yoga classes restart at Pinchmill Hall in March. You are invited to join us for eight sessions on Monday evenings from 730pm - 830pm beginning on 4th March. Please bring a yoga mat, large towel or blanket. Everyone is welcome. Posters will appear on the Village Notice Boards during February as a reminder. If you have any queries, please phone me on 781340. W.l. - May Mills When should you suppress any inclination to stand out in a crowd, or refrain from wearing your usual ostentatious little number? Why, when going through Customs of coursel Ms. French has been plucking people from Luton Airport Arrivals for 29 years, and has consequently developed an eye for the returning holiday-maker taking a chance, and the serious drug-smuggler with rather more to hide! Since the introduction of European Union Law, cigarette and alcohol-smuggling has become a problem, but is only one part of a fascinating and varied job, which has its mundane aspects too, such as checking freight etc. We must all present ourselves to Customs by law, so be warned — leave the sombrero behindl Novel Charity Night at The Sun
Coffee Morning - Jane Wells The coffee morning in aid of the Church Restoration Fund will be held at the home of Jackie and Richard Phipps, East Grange, Hunts Lane, Felmersham on Saturday 2 March at 10.30a.m. Contributions of home made cakes, toiletries, produce and bric-a-brac for the bring and buy stall will be most welcome.
Felmersham and Radwell Interest Group Heating Oil Group - Clive Just About 20 people have expressed an interest in joining an oil buying group and we had a successful first purchase, with each person saving about £20. There will probably be another order placed in the next month or so and hopefully we can get an even bigger discount then. It is not too late to join. Please email clive~easy.com with the following details: the capacity of your tank; how full it is now; when you would expect to fill it next and how much you would need. Although this scheme operates using email and a web based interest group if you don’t use email we will find a way to enable you to participate — please call me on 781967 with the same information.Horse Manure - Gayle Burbidge |
Village Hall Committee - Edith CaldweIl
The Village Hall Committee desperately needs to replace existing officers at the next AGM (date to be arranged — watch the notice boards).Present officers are due to stand down and we have no-one willing to replace them. We have already run for a year without a regular secretary! If these positions are riot filled it is likely that the committee will not be able to function and therefore the running of the village hall will be jeopardised. If you have an interest in the village hall and the events that it supports, we need to hear from you! If you would like to help, please contact Marjorie Pipe (781140) or Margery Evers (781018) before 27th February Visit To Sudborough - Valerie Sexton The Old Rectory, Sudborough is surrounded by a 2 acre Plantman’s Garden and features in many books and national publications. If there is enough interest, the WI. will organise a visit on Saturday 29~ June. The coach will leave the villages at 2pm and depart from Sudborough at about 5pm. The price should be around £8.00 but we will need to fill the coach. Please let me know your interest by emailing bdsweldon@aol.com or phoning 782206.Musicians Wanted - Robin Shaw There has been comment by several people that there ought to be some form of celebration in the village for the Queen’s Golden Jubilee. Whatever form the celebration takes, it would be good to have a musical accompaniment and I’m sure that there are enough musicians in the village to form a band. As it could be difficult to get together for rehearsal and I am aware of the problems that could be faced with PRS, It might be easier if it were just a jam session, unless there is anyone capable of writing or arranging parts for whatever the line up may be. If you are interested please get in touch. If we can find a rhythm
section (drums, bass, keyboard) the frontline can be virtually any
instruments. So if there are any Jazz/Blues muso’s out there looking
for a chance to blow their horn in a jam session in the village, please
let me know. Parish Council Meeting - Maggie Spoor Notes from the Parish Council meeting held on the 8th January 2002. 6 Parish Councillors and 5 members of the public attended this meeting. Apologies from Eric Barford. Matters Arising - A meeting of Bedford Environmental Forum will be held at the Town Hall on the 7th February at 630pm.P3 Report - Mr Cardy gave the Parish Paths Partnership report. A copy of the proposed map board was circulated. It is proposed that this will be situated on the Jubilee Lawn (by Felmersham Bridge). Funding for one map board will come from Partnership funds. Councillor Hulatt offered to investigate Borough funding for a second board for Radwell. Thanks were given to the PS group for their work on the map board. Other matters — work on the bridle path from Radwell to Stoke Mills, Sharnbrook has begun. It is now possible to walk this path dry shod.Parishioners questions - Questions from parishioners in Radwell included the provision of dog bins, replacement of damaged salt bin, provision of bus stop sign and siting of bus shelter, refurbishment of Radwell village sign. From Felmersham, concern at the proliferation of fly posters advertising fish and chips. Highways - Vegetation along Carlton Road is still encroaching on the verge causing difficulties to pedestrians and drivers alike.The 30mph limit is to be extended along The Old Road, Felmersham, past the new development at Swansholme. There will also be a 30 mph speed limit imposed from Radwell bridge to the last bungalow on the Felmersham Road. Grasscutting - Last year the Council entered a three year contract with the contractor, the benefit being that the cost is held for a second year.Lighting - The contract will be renewed with the existing contractor.Two new bus shelters for the parish, one in Radwell and one in Felmersham for the northbound route, have been approved. Prices are being sought. Grants are available from the Rural Communities Council for part funding. Faded road signs are to be replaced in the two villages and graffiti removed from the flood sign by Felmersham bridge. Standards Board - In the near future Parish Councillors will have to sign up to a Code of Conduct. They would also have to register their interests.Queen’s Golden Jubilee - A meeting of all interested parties will be arranged for February. See Ouse News for details.Finance - The parish precept for the financial year 2002/03 will be £7,000 (It has been £6,000 since 1999/00). Councillor Smith suggested savings could be made by reducing the amount of grasscutting and by phasing in the bus shelters over several years. The vote was 4: 1 in favour with one abstention.Next meeting is on Tuesday 5th March. Please note that this will commence at 7.00 pm with the Annual Assembly, to be followed by the Parish Council meeting at 8.30 pm. All parishioners are very welcome to this and all meetings. |
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We will print anything of interest to the community not just reports of past village
activities or reminders of forthcoming ones. Feedback on any of the items published
would be most welcome – whether for printing or not. Ouse News is published free by Felmersham Parochial Church Council |