Ouse News |
November 2001 |
Edited by Clive Just |
Mobile Police Office - Joan White This will be parked at Jubilee Green near the bridge on Wednesday 7 November from 1.00 p.m. to 2.00.p.m. and then at monthly intervals as announced on the village notice board. Please do go and have a word with our beat officers if you have any concerns or just go and see who they are as they wish to get to know as many villagers as possible. They will be based either in the Mobile Police Office or in a squad car. Village Hall Committee - Gail Holbourn Christmas Dance — Saturday 15th December. "Hampers & Champers" format as in previous years. Tickets £10 each, from Gail Holbourn — 781071, Dave Chandler — 782868 or any committee member. As always, the committee is relying on a good turn out by the regulars and their friends. In the true spirit of Christmas when organising your tables it may be appropriate to invite a couple of the newer residents into your group. Alternatively we would welcome newer residents putting tables of friends together from inside or outside the village. WI. - May Mills The Rev. Graham Wright was not here to preach a sermon but to enlighten us on the work of the Leprosy Mission, of which he is the area organiser. Although over 95% of the world’s population is naturally immune to leprosy (which can be cured with multi-drug therapy), it is still a global health problem with over half a million new cases each year, mostly in the developing world. The Leprosy Mission, in its capacity as an international Christian Charity, is committed through its hospitals and programmes, to detection and treatment, disability management, vocational training and community-based rehabilitation. By his use of photographs and film The Rev. Wright described how the individual could not only be healed, but, with Christian love and support, given dignity, hope and a sense of worth. Perhaps he did preach a sermon after all! Senior Citizens — it is ‘time for tea’ again! The Annual Christmas Tea will be held in the Committee Room on Sunday, t16th December, 3.3Opm — 6pm. If, for any reason, you have not received an invitation and would like to come along, please contact Celia Hulatt, 781082 or May Mills 781788. P3 Group - Chris Urn At the meeting in October, the
group was pleased to welcome three new members: Danny and
Brigitte Mariner from the Old Plough and Paula Turvey, from St Mary’s
Close. The local group now totals nine people and would particularly Despite some improvements to the picnic site at Daisy Bank, the group believes that the site would benefit from some cropping to the trees and bushes, which would greatly enhance the view. The County Council is being contacted. The new ‘Three Churches’ leaflet is being widely distributed and new sites are being explored, including Milton Ernest Garden Centre. Vegetation clearance will be undertaken by members of the group during October and repairs to stiles and posts have been scheduled for Saturday 17 November. Robin Shaw (782358) has undertaken the coordinator role for this work. Work on the Map Board has advanced considerably and the group, led by David Cardy, has come up with a very strong draft design, which will include maps, photographs and texts, relating to local places of interest and wildlife. Laurie Jones is making available some of his own photographs, including excellent pictures of insects and butterflies, photographed in Felmersham Nature Reserve. The group is meeting again on Thursday 6th December by which time further work will have been undertaken on the Map Board. Science with a Smile - Peter Rankin A well qualified ex-Deputy Headteacher offers Chemistry/Science tuition (KS3, GCSE, A level). Tea, biscuits and sympathy are included in the service. If interested, please contact me on 782897 or in person at Adina, Grange Road. Monthly Coffee Mornings - Rev David Mason In September we were sorry to hear that Mary Watson was resigning as organiser of the monthly coffee mornings held to raise money for the restoration fund. Sadly Mary is moving away from the area. Over the years the coffee mornings have been a steady source of money for the fund, and have also provided a wonderful opportunity for people to meet informally. Mary and her helpers and hosts have worked hard to ensure the continuing success of the venture. We thank Mary and her helpers for all that they have done, and Mary for her organisation of the mornings. I am pleased that ~Jane Wells has agreed to take over from Mary, and we look forward to the continuation of the monthly coffee mornings both on behalf the Church Restoration fund, and on the behalf of those who enjoy meeting each other when we attend the occasions. Christingle Service - Rev D Mason We are hoping to revive the Christingle service which used to be held regularly in the village. Details of the service have just arrived from the Children’s Society, and I will be discussing the possibility of holding a service this year. Bedford Hospital Primrose Appeal - Audrey Edwards Two forthcoming events in Sharnbrook in aid of the
Primrose Appeal Saturday 8th December: A concert by the Concord Singers of Bedford. 730pm in St Peter’s Church, Sharnbrook. Admission £7, concessions £5. Wine will be served. Goodwill Children’s Home in Bapatla Rosalind Templeman During my gap year, I spent some time working in a home for destitute children in Bapatla, a fishing-village in India. The home is one of seven, all in Southern India, administered by the Christian charity Goodwill Children’s Homes which is based in Northamptonshire. Goodwill cares for over 800 children, but is itself a small concern, relying heavily on donations and sponsorship to further its work. Homes are managed and staffed by local people, thus providing employment. Children may be orphans, or may have only one parent. They may be from a large family whose parents cannot afford to feed them, or may be sick with no money for medical treatment. In all cases they are in desperate need of help. Mary’s mother and brothers died from TB when Mary was five years old. Her destitute father abandoned her. She was taken in to the Bapatla Home where it was discovered that she also had TB. She needed constant nursing care by the staff for three before she recovered. She is now a happy bright 12 year old who has found a new life in her extended family of friends at the Home. Ravi was already at the home when his impoverished mother had a severe stroke. Goodwill staff took her to hospital and paid for her medical care, a relatively small sum but quite beyond the family’s means. Each home provides the children with a nutritious diet, medical care, clothes, a chance to play and live free from want, and importantly, an education. In India, education is a way out of poverty; the older children realise this and work extremely hard, often until 11 o’clock at night. Every child has a small trunk or case for all of his or her belongings. In this they keep their clothes, school books, and their plate and mug, together with perhaps a photo of their family. For many children the sum total of their possessions does not even half-fill their trunk. At Christmas each child is given a present of a new shirt or dress by Goodwill. A few might receive small gifts from their families but the majority has nothing to open. When I went to Bapatla, the few small gifts I took were received with delight and went straight into the children’s trunks, to be shared. Little presents make such a difference to these children. We are hoping you will help to make that difference. At the Carol Service or~ 16th December we are asking for small presents for the children at Bapatla. items that are small, light and can be shared would be particularly welcome, for example: hairslides and bands, combs, nail polish, bangles for the older girls; inflatable balls and footballs for the boys; small packs of chalks or crayons and perhaps light boxed toys (e.g. little Lego items)for the younger children; notepads, small photo albums, pens, pencils etc for everyone. As Christmas approaches, perhaps you could look for an unwanted item in your house, or include in your Christmas shopping list a small gift, to bring with you to the Carol Service. These gifts will be sent to the Home, to be shared; they will bring so much happiness to children who can put everything in the world that they own into one small trunk. (PS Donations would of course also be extremely welcome) |
This year Remembrance Sunday falls upon November the 11th, and so we will be holding our Remembrance Day and War Memorial Services on Armistice Day. The Church Service will begin at 10.30AM rather than the usual 10.15, and as usual we will go to the War Memorial immediately after the Church Service. The events in America on the 11th September, and the military actions in Afghanistan have forcibly reminded us of the horrors of war and the vulnerability of even the world’s greatest power to terrorist action. A small group of fanatical people were able to inflict terrible destruction and loss of life in America. The endeavours of America and its allies to route out the terrorist group from Afghanistan are now exacting a terrible price on the already ravaged land and its people, and greatly increasing the number of refugees wishing to leave that country for places of safety and peace, where they can live normal lives and support themselves and their families. We cannot remain ignorant of the suffering of the people, the media show tell us day by day what is happening in that suffering country. It is clear that when the fighting stops there will be much to do before there can be anything like normality there. Jesus summarised God’s Law in the Great Commandments. He stated that we were to love God with all our hearts, minds and souls, and to love our neighbours as ourselves. We have to defend ourselves from those who would seek to destroy us and all that we stand for, but we have to remember that God loves all his children, and wants us to love each other. We all share a responsibility for each other, and perhaps we should be reflecting on how we have been exercising that responsibility in a world where there is an increasing gap between the affluent and the poor countries. God’s Law and Commandments are given to us for our physical, spiritual and mental health, not to restrict us and spoil our fun. In a world where communication is so quick and good no longer can the rich plead ignorance and inability as an excuse for not sharing their wealth and good fortune with the poor and the less fortunate. Where there is great disparity in wealth and the essentials of life there are the seeds of conflict. It is in our interest to concern ourselves with those who suffer great poverty, and to ensure that they are helped to improve and develop their resources so that their poverty is relieved and they can see a future in which they are secure and free of starvation and deprivation. Let us in our Remembrance Services remember and give thanks for all those who gave great sacrifices so that we could live in freedom and peace. And let us each dedicate ourselves to work for a world in which the hungry are fed and the deprived are satisfied. For it is in such a world that peace will have a greater chance to flourish. Let us work as faithful disciples to bring God’s Kingdom to this world. Ofsted Inspection at Pinchmill - Pinchmill Lower School, Felmersham which provides state schooling for children up to age 9 from Pavenham, Radwell and Felmersham was recently inspected by Ofsted. The key findings of the inspection team were 1. Standards 2. Pupils Attitudes and Values 3. Teaching and Learning 4. Leadership and Management 5. Other Aspects of the school Ancient Autumnal Colours - The Wildlife Trust As the leaves start to change take a walk through nature’s autumn wardrobe with a visit to one of The Wildlife Trusts’ most enchanting woodlands this season. Be dazzled by canopies of radiant red and gold as the UK’s woodlands explode into a stunning spectacle of autumnal colour. A walk in the woods can uncover a host of wildlife. Weird and wonderful fungi nestle within the fallen leaves, small mammals, such as hedgehogs, dormice and bats, are busy preparing for winter. Ancient woodlands are especially good for wildlife watching as they provide a rich diversity of habitats. They act as a refuge for many rare and threatened animals and plants such as the red squirrel, tawny owl, twinflower and stag beetle. The Wildlife Trusts would like to encourage everyone to enjoy them and to build awareness of the importance of protecting our wonderful woods. To find out where to visit one of the finest woodland displays in our area, visit our reserves page http://www.wildlifetrust.com.uk/bcno/reserves.htm. The Royal British Legion - Ro Haggerwood Last November, chances are you may have bought a Poppy during the Royal British Legion (RBL) annual Poppy Appeal. Have you ever stopped to think why you buy a Poppy? Or where indeed the money goes? Many will remember the ultimate sacrifice of those who gave their lives in the two World Wars. Whilst most people are familiar with the poppy, many fewer really understand what it is all about. Once a year, during the Remembrance week, the poppy is a mark of respect for those men and women from the forces who gave their lives in the service of their country. But remembrance is only half the story. For the other 364 days of the year, the poppy is a symbol of hope to millions of ex-service men, women and their families. Examples of the Legion’s work include rehabilitation and employment for the disabled, resettlement training, small business advice for the unemployed, residential care and financial support for the needy. Did you know for instance that, over 16 million people in this country - about one third of the entire population, are eligible for financial, emotional and social support from the RBL. This number is still growing. The RBL is certainly not an old peoples organisation. Each year about 25,000 people leave the forces and settle within the local community. Many have problems which the RBL may be able to help them with. Through the Legion’s 3,200 branches and with its current membership of over 725,000, the RBL is certainly a vibrant active organisation that can and will assist where possible. Many people are also unsure where their money goes once they have made a donation to the Poppy Appeal. The money is spent to help support the exservice community and their dependants, here are some examples: The RBL runs seven residential home and three convalescent homes. It is one of the largest employers of persons with disabilities. It runs a training centre for ex-service personnel to learn new skills. It runs a security company employing over 1600 ex-serv ice people with contracts included the House of Commons pnd the Tower of London. Approximately one third of the London taxi drivers have been helped to obtain their license by the RBL. War Widows are helped to go on their first visit to their husbands graves by the Pilgrimage Department. The Pension Department will help with all claims made for a War Pension. The Poppy Factory provides work for a large number of disabled persons. Last year our total collection for the Poppy Appeal was just over twenty million pounds. We need to increase that amount by 2003 to twenty five million pounds in order to support those who need our help. There are still active RBL branches in North Bedfordshire. If you would like more information on where we meet or need help please give me a telephone ceil on 352762. Library Link - Sally Carr I have recently had contact with The Library Link Service at Bedford Central Library. They provide a library service for housebound people among other things; this is greatly valued by the people they serve. At the moment they are critically short of volunteers, so anyone who could offer a few hours a month would I am sure find it very rewarding. Contact Rob Hall on 305383 if you would like further information.
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We will print anything of interest to the community not just reports of past village activities or reminders of forthcoming ones. Feedback on any of the items published would be most welcome – whether for printing or not. Ouse News is published free by Felmersham Parochial Church Council |