Ouse News
The Parish Magazine for Felmersham and Radwell
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September 2001


Edited by Clive Just

The Village Churchyard - Rev David Mason

This month the Bishop of Bedford consecrated the extension to our Burial Ground. It was a gentle summer evening, and as we all walked round the boundary of the extension I was struck by the peaceful atmosphere of the place. We are very fortunate to have our churchyard as an oasis surrounding the church, still available for those who have lived in the parish to be laid to rest at the end of their lives. We live at a time when death has become sanitised, and somehow separated from life. We push the thoughts of death and dying away, and so we are unprepared for it when we meet it, as meet it we all will. It is as inevitable for us as was our birth, both are essential parts of life’s journey. Our churchyard reminds us of this as we visit the graves of those that we have loved, and know that they are at peace.

To Christians our life on earth is merely a part of the story. We know that God created us, and that he knows and loves each one of us as we move through our lives here. We believe that at the end of our lives our souls will return to our Father while the earthly elements which have formed our bodies will return to the earth. Inevitably there will be apprehension about death, there can be no rehearsal, we cannot know what it will be like until it actually occurs, it is the process of dying that worries many of us rather than the thought of being dead. We have to take on trust the words of Jesus about our lives after death, but who better to trust than Jesus who himself was resurrected from the dead, and whose words are true.

We give thanks to all who provide and care for our churchyard. We are especially grateful to the Parish Council for all they have done to provide the new extension, and who are so helpful in maintaining the rest of the churchyard. Many visitors remark on the good condition of both the church and its surroundings. It is the hard work of so many that achieve this, and I would like to thank all who help in any way.

Autumn Course - Rev D Mason

We will be holding an Emmaus Course starting on 19 September at 8.OOpm. The course will be held at the home of the Whitewells, 7 The High Road. It is a course designed for those who are new to the faith, and those who would like to undertake a ‘revision course’. Please have a word with me if you would like to know more about it.

Maths Tuition - Geraldine Hubbard

I am an experienced mathematics teacher offering tuition to GCSE, AS or A level. Contact me on 781413 for further details.

For Sale

Full set Wilson Pro-Staff Ladies graphite golf clubs and putter - £40. Call 781019

Sharnbrook Badminton Club - Angela Goldsworthy

Restarts Friday 7th September between 7.30-9.3Opm at Sharnbrook Upper School sports hall. Four courts, mixed abilities, only £2.50 per week. For more information please call 782220 or 781780

Coffee Morning - Row Watson

The coffee morning for October in aid of the Felmersham Church Restoratip n Fund will be held at the home of Blanche and Brian Smith, West Grange, Hu,~ts Lane on Saturday 6 October at 10.30 a.m. Please bring all your friends alid contributions of home made cakes, toiletries, produce and bric-a-brac for the bring and buy stall will be most welcome.

  Felmersham Yoga Club - Hilary Foot

A reminder that our Autumn yoga classes begin at Pinchmill Hall at 7.3Opm on Monday 3rd September. There will be seven sessions this term. All ranges of ability are welcome, from beginners onwards. Please bring a yoga mat, blanket or large towel with you. Even if you can’t make the first session, we will be pleased to see you for some or all of the others. Any questions to Hilary Foot on 781340.

Helianthus Annuus - Peter Rankin

The final of the annual sunflower competition resulted in a resounding victory for
Miss Anna Ure of Spring Collage. Her exhibit (albeit spindly) attained a height of 1.93 metres 11 cm taller than the entry of Mr Peter Rankin. It must be said that his plant was much sturdier but failed to make a final growth spurt. Next year the competition will be open to all corners of any age and we look forward to an exciting contest.

lst Prize: Miss Anna Ure; 
                       McDonalds Meal plus a shopping trip

2nd Prize: Mr Peter Rankin;
        to pay for a McDonalds Meal plus shopping trip

P3 Update - Chris Ure

Now that all the footpaths have been re-opened, we have begun the summer work schedule, which has involved clearing vegetation and repairing and replacing posts and stiles.

After consulting with the landowner, new posts and way markers have been placed along FPA4 between Carlton Road, alongside Green’s Spinney, towards Paven ham. Work is also scheduled for FP6 between Canton Road and Odell and FPI5 between The Slip and the cricket field, off Pavenham Road. Thank you to all members of the group who give their time voluntarily for this work.

We were pleased to hear that the County Council have now approved the costs of upgrading a section of BWI between Radwell Quarry and Sharnbrook Mill, which should help remedy the flooding problem. The landowners: Bedfordia plc have kindly donated the cost of materials and the work should start soon.

With much of our P3 work, working in partnership is so important. The aim is for walkers and landowners to work together to make the countryside a safe and accessible place to enjoy. We still receive the occasional report of people picking wild flowers or failing to keep their dogs under control and we do ask that all walkers follow the country code and show respect for our local rural environment. Work on the map board continues and if anyone would like to join our local group, we would be very pleased to hear from you. The next meeting is at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday 10th October at Frog’s Piece, Canton Road, Felmersham.

Harvest Festival - Rev D Mason

We will be holding our Harvest Festival on Sunday 7 October. Further details will be coming shortly.


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Page last updated: 16/03/08     Ouse News is published by St Mary's PCC

We will print anything of interest to the community not just reports of past village activities or reminders of forthcoming ones. Feedback on any of the items published would be most welcome – whether for printing or not.

Ouse News is published free by Felmersham Parochial Church Council

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