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Books by
Ken Shrimpton

Two books about the parish of Felmersham and Radwell
£9.99 each
More details




This website was created for the villages of Felmersham and Radwell in 1998 by Ken Shrimpton. He expanded it greatly, and maintained it regularly, until he died in January 2021

It was a labour of love but just one of his many passions - others are recorded on this website too.

Since 2021 the site has not been updated reqularly. It is mainly kept for the wealth of information it contains, however, some of it might be out of date. If you notice anything that is no longer correct please email

Most of the village activities are now advertised and promoted on the village Facebook page. However, events of significant interest will be added - especially Obituaries of village residents present or past.
Please email such items to

Regular Village Activities

Each Tue 7.30pm Village Hall Table Tennis Club

1st Wed 7pm 
The Sun

Wednesday Sisters Supper Club  Phone Rosie on 781046

Alt. 2nd Wed  7.30pm
Committee Room

Parish Council Meetings (Jan/Mar/May/July/Sept/Nov)

2nd Fri 12.30pm
The Sun

Soup and Sandwiches Book via Jane on 782138

Active Organisation or Groups 

Community Care Support for people in need in the parish

Buying Groups

Bulk purchasing of oil, chimney sweeping and firewood/logs etc
Community Trust Holding a legacy to funds community activities
Pinchmill School Primary school located in the village
Pinchmill Hall Village hall with 2 rooms to hire 

Page updated: 31/05/24 Contact: Webmaster Site policy: Publishing Rules is an independent web site and is not responsible for the content of external internet sites with links from Online since October 1998.
Visitor counter reset 17 October 2012


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